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Baked Smart Cookie

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Baked Smart Cookie

Baked Smart Cookie is uniquely formulated with four different kinds of fruits and vegetables to provide an optimal snack that parents can feel confident sharing with family and friends.

Our vision to provide children with a healthy snack is fueled by our founders' quest for high quality ingredients to create a nutritious option that is certified USDA organic, non-GMO, vegan, and soy/peanut free. We think we got it just right.

So, go ahead, mom and dad. Toss one to your soccer star (and keep one for yourself!) before practice with absolutely zero guilt. They'll think you're the best parent ever for giving them a yummy treat, and you'll secretly know they're getting a snack with high nutritional value. Now that's a WIN-WIN!

Our cookie:


Always Baked Smart Cookie
2601 Zinnia Ave. McAllen, TX 78504

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Details and Specs

Type of Classified: New
Price: $0.00
Condition: Excellent
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