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Super P Force comes in tablet form, and each individual tablet contains 100 mg of Sildenafil and 60 mg of Dapoxetine. These are the same tablets that you would find in utmost standard strength sexual dysfunction specifics. The tablet is designed to be swallowed whole, with a glass of water. It's largely recommended against taking further than 1 Super P Force tablet per 24 hours. This drug should be taken roughly an hour in advance of sexual intercourse. Sildenafil can spark within a stoner in as little as 20 twinkles, but Dapoxetine takes slightly longer, comprising around 40 twinkles to take effect. Super P Force typically takes effect within 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion, while Cialis may take slightly longer, usually between 30 minutes to two hours. Consider your preferences for timing when choosing between the two.

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Details and Specs

Type of Classified: Service
Price: $85.00
Condition: Very Good
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