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Guidance & Representation In Probate Administration

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Probate is the court­supervised process of properly gathering all probate assets, identifying and paying debts to creditors, and distributing all probate assets to heirs and beneficiaries. A probate asset is an asset that is owned in a person's individual name at the time of their passing or was inherited by the decedent just before or even after their passing. Miami Probate Administration Attorney Matthew Gruber is experienced in handling the intricacies of Florida probate court while keeping in mind the challenges of the end of life process. The Estate Plan approach is focused on creating a cost­effective plan that will handle the probate matter as efficiently and clearly as possible.

If you have any questions regarding estate administration matter, please call The Estate Plan, we'd be happy to help.

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Details and Specs

Type of Classified: Service
Price: $0.00
Condition: Excellent
Acceptable Payment Types: All major credit cards, ACH, checks, Cash


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