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how many pages is 2000 words

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Many written pieces such as articles and manuscripts can be quite long. A word limit of 1500 in my opinion is safe and adequate to contain the information that can be easily perceived and understood by the readers. For a general article of 1500 words, you might often find it useful to know the exact number of pages on MS word file. Hence, for your convenience, this blog will let you know that how many pages for 1500 words.

Generally, with the size of 12 in Arial or Times New Roman font, your 1500 words article can take up three pages (when single-spaced) or six pages (when double spaced).

How to write 1500 words?

If you are instructed specifically to write exact 1500 words then you can divide your article into four main sections: title, introduction, body, and conclusion, and try to write the specific number of words given below.

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