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How to improve operating room efficiency

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The operating room (OR) is the epicenter of any surgical facility. Although it is the most expensive resource, it also generates the most revenue. Inefficient use of the OR negatively impacts patients' health, staff morale, and the facility's revenue. Surgery cancellations are the primary reason for operating room underutilization. So how can you decrease cancellations and improve operating room efficiency?

To understand what operating room efficiency best practices will work for you, you first have to figure out the main causes of your facility's surgery cancellations. Based on statistics from numerous sources and our own experience, we know the most widespread reasons.

Why don't your patients show up for surgery?

Across the board, the main causes of surgery cancellation are:

Medical reasons. A patient may have decided to switch to non-operative management, or they may have recovered and no longer need the surgery, or perhaps they have gotten worse and now can't have the surgery without major health implications.

Inadequate patient communication. This may entail poor communication with patients about pre-operative measures, the surgery process, or costs. Patients who aren't clear on the steps before, during, and after surgery can forget to submit crucial documentation (e.g. lab tests) or, worse, lose confidence in the facility, cancel the operation, and seek care elsewhere.

Booking issues. A facility can be overbooked, or there can be incorrect bookings caused by system errors or miscommunication in the facility.

Personal and financial reasons may block patients from having surgery on the intended day

Uncover the main reasons why your patients cancel surgeries and what to do about it. Read more about schedule and manage surgeries

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