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MailsDaddy Office 365 Backup Tool

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MailsDaddy Office 365 Backup Tool is helpful in exporting multiple Exchange Online mailboxes to PST to without any issue. It is a highly secure application that authenticates Office 365 email ID and password before migrating O365 data to PST. In case of any wrong ID or password, it does not allow the user to transfer Exchange Online data to move into PST format. One can perform the bulk export of the Office 365 account into PST using O365 Admin login credentials. There is also no need of Microsoft Outlook/PowerShell to perform an Office 365 backup solutions. Any user can try the free demo edition of this software and extract 20 items from each folder of the Office 365 cloud.

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Details and Specs

Type of Classified: New
Price: $0.00
Condition: Excellent
Acceptable Payment Types: Online
Processor:2.4 GHz


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