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Saturation Mailing

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What is Saturation Direct Mailing List?

A Saturation direct mailing list is a type of list that includes every address in a given area. This is opposed to a Targeted mailing list, which only includes specific addresses that meet certain criteria.

Saturation Direct Mailing List is a mailing list that sends out mails to people who have not opted-in to receive mail updates about products and services offered by companies. Saturation Direct Mailing Lists are often used by businesses to promote their products and services to potential customers.

Saturation mailing has a low response rate, however, because the mail is sent to everyone in the list regardless of whether or not they are interested in the product or service being offered.

Despite the low response rate, some businesses use saturation mailing as their primary marketing tool because the low cost per mail makes it affordable to mail a large number of mails in order to generate a few responses.

Difference between Saturated Mailing and Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM)

Saturated Mailing and Every Door Direct Mail are quite similar to each other and people often get confused about them. We have mentioned both to make it easy for you.

Saturation mailing

Saturation mailing is a method of direct mail marketing where the recipient receives a single piece of mail. This type of mail is sent out to many people at once and is often used for marketing purposes.

Every door direct mail (EDDM)

Every door direct mail is a method of direct marketing where each individual gets their own piece of mail. This is done by having a list of names and addresses of individuals who have requested information about a product or service. These pieces of mail are then mailed to each person individually.

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Details and Specs

Type of Classified: Service
Price: $300.00
Condition: Excellent
Acceptable Payment Types: paypal,visa,
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